Export Results V1

Supports Ansys: 19, 19.1
Target Application: Mechanical
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Product Info
Export the results from your solution to a .txt, .csv or .json file. Data can be exported to an Excel worksheet. Possible to store the data in a Matlab workspace. Most types of results are supported, including probe results and the stress and fatigue tool results.
(1 year lease fee)
$100 USD (U.S. list price only – Prices in other countries may vary and be quoted in other currency.)

General commercial conditions: The app is licensed solely subject to the terms and conditions contained in the clickwrap agreement that you agreed to in order to access the page containing the apps for sale (the "License Terms"). Notwithstanding the provisions of the License Terms to the contrary, for a Lease License, Licensee is entitled to Technical Enhancements that are made generally available during the applicable Lease License term. Any Customer Support will be provided strictly via email.


This extension makes it possible to export the results from your solution to a .txt, .csv or .json file. If Matlab is installed on your computer it is also possible to store the data in a Matlab workspace. Most types of results are supported, including probe results and the stress and fatigue tool results.

Another feature of the extension is its ability to write the globally assembled stiffness, mass and damping matrices (where applicable) to a file or to a Matlab workspace.

The toolbar of the extension displays only 1 entry, which will launch a new window where you can select the results and matrices you want to export, the output folder and the formats. The results are read per analysis inside your project.

Selecting a parent node also selects all child nodes.

Run the export by clicking OK.

The matrices that can be exported are the globally assembled stiffness, mass and damping matrix, in case they are applicable to the specific analysis. The extension uses the APDL command HBMAT to write them to a file in the Harwell-Boeing format and then allows you to rewrite them to the Matrix Market format or into a Matlab Sparse Matrix format (.mat).

For more information on the command HBMAT and its output, see the APDL Command Reference. Note that the constrained nodes are removed from the system of equations and therefore not written to the .matrix file by HBMAT. Also, the equations are not ordered by node number, but a mapping file is also written to easily find the node and its degree of freedom corresponding to a certain matrix equation.

Support Information

Infinite Simulation Systems B.V.
Minervum 7224,
4817 ZJ Breda,
The Netherlands
Helpdesk: +31-076-578 09 96