Target Application: Mechanical
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Fatigue calculation post-processing tool to plot the cycles to failure and accumulated damage according to section 5.5.3 in ASME VIII Div. 2
Target Application: Mechanical
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Local failure calculation post-processing tool to plot the local failure utilization ratio according to section 5.3.3 in ASME VIII, Div. 2, with the possibility to specify forming strain and/or a loading sequence
Target Application: Workflow
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Stress Strain Curve according to Annex 3-D, ASME 2013 VIII Div.2 / KD-231.4 ASME 2015 VIII Div.3
Target Application: Workflow
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Stress Strain Curve according to Annex 3-D, ASME 2013 VIII Div.2 / KD-231.4 ASME 2015 VIII Div.3
Target Application: Mechanical
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Pre and Post processing toolkit to create groups of rivets, bolt pretension, simplified bolts and advanced bolts with thread contact section. Bolt results can be evaluated according to Eurocode 3 and VDI 2230
Target Application: Mechanical
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Post-processing app to create custom contour plot from csv file including unit conversion
Target Application: Mechanical
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Scale the mass density of selected bodies at the environment level. Allow a local scaling of the densities of one or more bodies at the setup level, such that all other information may be shared between the two analyses
Target Application: Mechanical
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Export all defined figures in the model tree as png files to a custom folder or to the projects �user_files�
Target Application: Mechanical
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Map transient CFD results to thermal or structural analysis including the definition of load steps. Include CFD-post macros that also export transient data to csv files for use in External Data System for native transient data mapping
Target Application: Mechanical
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Post processing tool to evaluate maximum stress or strain range from a selected range of solution steps. Results are saved in a csv file for external fatigue analysis and plotting using �CSV Plot�
Target Application: Mechanical
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Specify a linear variation of material properties over a region of the geometry
Target Application: Meshing
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Mesh utility tool to export/import all global mesh settings and local mesh controls in Mechanical meshing for re-use in different Workbench projects