Target Application: Mechanical
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One click to convert solid components into point mass with automatic calculations and assignments of total mass, center of gravity location, and moment of inertia [Contains source code]
Target Application: Mechanical
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Introduce coupled diffusion analysis (structural diffusion, thermal diffusion, and structural thermal diffusion) in both static and full transient analysis
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose piezoelectric, thermal-piezoelectric and thermal-structural solver capabilities
Target Application: Workflow
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Facilitate to automatically export various data during the �Update� process for a Component/System/Project and Design Point
Target Application: DesignXplorer
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Use parameters correlation results to create the DOE for a Response Surface Optimization and automatically deactivate minor parameters with the ability to reuse Design Point values
Target Application: Mechanical
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Scale the mass density of selected bodies at the environment level. Allow a local scaling of the densities of one or more bodies at the setup level, such that all other information may be shared between the two analyses
Target Application: DesignModeler
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Expose some useful utilities of DesignModeler
Target Application: DesignXplorer
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Additional Design of Experiments types: Full Factorial, LHS with Parameter Relationships (+ ability to match allowed values). Provide some useful utilities: Import Parameters and DOE, Correlation to DOE, RSO to Direct Optimization, Import Parameter Bounds, Export Parameter Bounds, Define Parameter Bounds by Percentage, Remove Failed DOE Points.
Target Application: DesignXplorer
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Create a new Direct Optimization system based on the Response Surface Optimization definition and results
Target Application: Fluent
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Automatic settings of dynamic contact angle for VOF simulations. Write out a UDF source file to calculate the dynamic contact angle and build the UDF library (users do not have to directly edit and compile the UDF source)
Target Application: Mechanical
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Include realistic bulk material loads as standard in your ANSYS Mechanical structural analysis to optimize heavy equipment design and reduce reliance on hand calculations and prototyping
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose element birth and death functionality to deactivate and reactivate bodies or contacts during structural analysis in Mechanical