Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose mechanical-based material types as parameters inside ANSYS Workbench. Instead of varying independent numeric material properties, analyze the entire material type and leverage DesignXplorer-powered optimization studies to help you choose the best material for your simulation.
Target Application: SpaceClaim
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Simplify repetitive multi-body adjustments by easily defining group and layer instances of similar yet independent solid bodies (e.g., bolts, screws, washers, ...)
Target Application: Mechanical
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Pre and Post processing toolkit to create groups of rivets, bolt pretension, simplified bolts and advanced bolts with thread contact section. Bolt results can be evaluated according to Eurocode 3 and VDI 2230
Target Application: DesignModeler
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Streamline the conversion of CAD data to ANSYS Icepak objects using ANSYS DesignModeler. Easy to use GUIs can help you remove unwanted bodies, get rid of holes, and simplify geometry for analysis
Target Application: Workflow
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Allow Workbench users to easily import CAD into the CFDPost application
Target Application: Workflow
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Use CAESES geometry models for shape optimization. Meshing and analysis of CAESES models can be automated. CAESES focuses on parametric complex shapes. Typical applications : Ship hulls, turbochargers, pumps, turbines, wings, manifolds, volutes, intake ports, rotor blades
Target Application: Workflow
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Connect CFX Setup with Fluent Setup for extended, automatable CFD analysis within the ANSYS Workbench Project Schematic
Target Application: Mechanical
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Post-processing app to create custom contour plot from csv file including unit conversion
Target Application: Mechanical
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Easily convert your APDL command objects / snippets into working ACT extensions. Make it easy to create your own custom apps with your own specific APDL code [Contains source code]
Target Application: Mechanical
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Apply a contact compressive only support with possibility to change contact settings (keyopts and real constants)
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose convection with pilot node capability in steady-state and transient thermal analyses
Target Application: Mechanical
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Allow thermal exchange between nodal surfaces via convective links