Target Application: DesignModeler
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Create fluid enclosure and decompose it to sweepable bodies [Contains source code]
Target Application: DesignModeler
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Streamline the conversion of CAD data to ANSYS Icepak objects using ANSYS DesignModeler. Easy to use GUIs can help you remove unwanted bodies, get rid of holes, and simplify geometry for analysis
Target Application: DesignModeler
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Expose some useful utilities of DesignModeler
Target Application: DesignModeler
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Easily create honeycomb core models from a few simple cell properties and bulk size specifications. [Contains source code]
Target Application: DesignModeler
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Create curves using parametric equations. Any valid Python equation or function can be used to generate parametric curves, with the ability to mark up to 50 independent coefficients as Workbench parameters