ASME Fatigue V1

Supports Ansys: 19
Target Application: Mechanical
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Product Info
Fatigue calculation post-processing tool to plot the cycles to failure and accumulated damage according to section 5.5.3 in ASME VIII Div. 2
(1 year lease fee)
$500 USD (U.S. list price only – Prices in other countries may vary and be quoted in other currency.)

General commercial conditions: The app is licensed solely subject to the terms and conditions contained in the clickwrap agreement that you agreed to in order to access the page containing the apps for sale (the "License Terms"). Notwithstanding the provisions of the License Terms to the contrary, for a Lease License, Licensee is entitled to Technical Enhancements that are made generally available during the applicable Lease License term. Any Customer Support will be provided strictly via email.


  • The fatigue calculation according to ASME 2013 Sec. VIII Div.2 Part 5. Chapter 5.5.3; Fatigue assessment –elastic stress analysis and equivalent stress can be done by hand, extracting stress results at nodes for each load case.
  • However, in addition to be a time-consuming task with risk of errors, the node location of the maximum damage cannot be known before the actual fatigue damage calculation.


  • The ASME Fatigue app can be used as an efficient post-processing tool to plot the number of cycles to failure, or accumulated damage according to ASME, for a single, or a combination of, load cases.
  • The fatigue curve data tables are implemented and the fatigue curve is directly built using the material properties of the selected bodies.


The ASME Fatigue documentation can be downloaded from this link:

Support Information

EDR & Medeso
Johan på Gårdas Gata 5A
SE-412 50 Göteborg
T: +46 21 470 35 60