Weld Fatigue V3

Supports Ansys: 19.1
Target Application: Mechanical
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Product Info
Post processing tool based on IIW recommendations to evaluate fatigue according to Nominal, Hot-Spot, Effective Notch and Linearized stress method.
(1 year lease fee)
$1000 USD (U.S. list price only – Prices in other countries may vary and be quoted in other currency.)

General commercial conditions: The app is licensed solely subject to the terms and conditions contained in the clickwrap agreement that you agreed to in order to access the page containing the apps for sale (the "License Terms"). Notwithstanding the provisions of the License Terms to the contrary, for a Lease License, Licensee is entitled to Technical Enhancements that are made generally available during the applicable Lease License term. Any Customer Support will be provided strictly via email.


The EDRMedeso Weld Fatigue ACT Extension is a tool to speed up post processing of weld fatigue based on IIW recommendations for Nominal, Hot-Spot and Effective Notch method in ANSYS Mechanical. This includes calculation of life, damage, safety factors, stress range and more. Also cumulative damage from several load cases can be evaluated to get the total duty cycle damage, safety factors and equivalent stress range.

Also a tool for linearized stress for solids is included to calculate e.g. "structural stress" (membrange+bending). This may be used instead of Hot-Spot method without the need of a very detaild mesh at the weld toe (Hot-Spot).

The power of the app is that it in one result object you can evaluate multiple chains of welds for a single load case or scanning of all load case combinations. For Hot-Spot method this gives a clear view of the fatigue results along the welds to identify critical points (and not only in a single point if using a manual method). All results are also written to a csv text file for easy graph creation etc.

The results can be evaluated according to IIW or DNV S-N curves that are included in the app. Custom S-N curves can be added by the user.

The app works for both shell and solid models and no specific mesh preparation or path definitions are needed. The result "Life quality" can be plotted to show if the mesh is good enough. Default settings for S-N curve and Hot-Spot method can be saved to match your favourite design code.

S-N Curves for both IIW and DNV GL are included in the app. Additional S-N curves may be added by the user.

The full Weld Fatigue documentation can be downloaded from this link:



Support Information

EDR & Medeso
Johan på Gårdas Gata 5A
SE-412 50 Göteborg
T: +46 21 470 35 60