Target Application: Mechanical
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Enable the capability to allow for a restart analysis to be performed from a previously solved linked analysis system
Target Application: Mechanical
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Enable the capability to allow for a restart analysis to be performed from a previously solved linked analysis system
Target Application: Mechanical
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Export results into ASCII format. Files txt are generated including all wanted results organized in columns
Target Application: Mechanical
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Allow to rotate the model about any of the 3 screen axes by a specified angle for precise viewing of the model in a specified orientation. Useful for re-orienting views such as an axisymmetric model in which the user desires the X axis to point upward
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose extended functionality for importing bearing coefficients, plotting whirl orbits in graphics window, getting Campbell diagram data, and setting up typical rotordynamic constraints [Contains source code]
Target Application: Mechanical
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Easy and efficient tool for parametric optimization. Define the task rapidly and find better solutions automatically. SORVI design booster is easy to learn, simple to use, and it automates the exploration for better solutions.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Select Bodies/Nodes/Elements based on results (e.g. VonMises stresses)
Target Application: Mechanical
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Provide several facilities to create or manipulate selections in Mechanical. [Contains source code]
Target Application: Meshing
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Expose some useful functions for quickly modifying sequential meshing order (mesh parts in a certain sequence)
Target Application: Mechanical
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Predict fatigue life in solder joint using Darveaux method [Contains source code]
Target Application: ElectronicsDesktop
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Guided process to easily create parametric planar, simple or 3D complex Coils
Target Application: Mechanical
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Supplement the existing Mechanical feature of"Solution Combination" by offering spreadsheet based load case combination