Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose piezo-electric and MEMS solver capabilities in Workbench
Target Application: Fluent
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Calculate flow through a variety of porous models. Easily compute permeability and inertial resistance coefficients by providing velocity and pressure drop profiles from a .csv file. [Contains source code]
Target Application: Mechanical
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Automate the creation of paths & linearized stress results to meet pressure vessels standards
Target Application: Mechanical
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Show the deformed mesh in downstream prestressed analyses
Target Application: Fluent
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Extract Linear and Time-Invariant (LTI) Reduced Order Model (ROM) from ANSYS Fluent 3-D Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations for system-level analysis in ANSYS Simplorer.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Implement Modal Assurance Criterion calculation to compare the nodal solutions from two results files (.rst or .rstp) or from one results file and one Universal Format file (.unv)
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose additional capabilities for random vibrations analysis or Power Spectral Density analysis (PSD). Make possible to apply a Pressure or Force PSD to a random vibration analysis. Enable the post processing of several nodes or elements at once [Contains source code]
Target Application: Mechanical
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Create Probes for BCs, Contacts, Beams, Springs and Joints and Export Results in an Excel File located in the user_files directory
Target Application: Mechanical
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Change the element behavior to reduced integration for lower order shell elements
Target Application: Mechanical
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Compute Relative Displacement based on a coordinate system created using nodes in the model those can move during the simulation
Target Application: Mechanical
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Create Word report direct from a Mechanical model. The Word template can be modified by the user. Customer tailored versions can be made to include additional Mechanical features, section headings and text objects etc.
Target Application: DesignXplorer
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Response Surface readers to load and evaluate any response surface exported from DX as a .dxrom file, either from Workbench, from Microsoft Excel or using a standalone executable