Target Application: Mechanical
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Generate a unique ready-to-run input file starting from a set of analyses inside the ANSYS Mechanical tree. The input file can be launched in batch mode and it is compatible with Windows or Linux OS
Target Application: Mechanical
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Evaluate anisotropic material constants for non-homogeneous material which is Lattice structure, Composite (e.g. FRP using short or long fiber), Honeycomb and so on. Template function to create microstructure model is also included in Design Modeler and SpaceClaim
Target Application: SpaceClaim
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Easily make NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) airfoil geometry models for 3D fluid flow computations
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose the nonlinear diagnostics (NLDIAG) functionality in Mechanical to identify or display the highly distorted elements
Target Application: ElectronicsDesktop
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Model radiation fields of antennas and phased arrays without modelling geometry
Target Application: Workflow
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Allow a direct connection between ANSYS Workbench and OASIS, a powerful design exploration and optimization tool that can accelerate your design process. The plugin allows for simple setup of optimizations with your Workbench models
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose the MAPDL offshore features in Mechanical
Target Application: Mechanical
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Easy and efficient tool for parametric optimization. Define the task rapidly and find better solutions automatically. SORVI design booster is easy to learn, simple to use, and it automates the exploration for better solutions.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Implement a PID thermostat controller as load object in Mechanical. Suitable for transient thermal analyses needing temperature control
Target Application: Mechanical
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Provide a dialog box with view controls for the Mechanical graphics window. The controls allow for Pan, Zoom and Rotate in a style similar to the controls available in the Mechanical APDL interface
Target Application: DesignXplorer
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Create design points by sweeping parameter values
Target Application: DesignModeler
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Create curves using parametric equations. Any valid Python equation or function can be used to generate parametric curves, with the ability to mark up to 50 independent coefficients as Workbench parameters